Sunday, Oct. 23
3pm - 6pm

Sunday Open Mic Nite is here!

This weeks Open Mic is brought to you by Norm Strauss. It is open to anyone who wants to showcase their musical talent in a safe, artist friendly environment. 

  • Microphone and sound system are supplied.
  • This open mic is for solo’s or duo’s only, and for those who either play their own instrument or can bring a friend to help you (no karaoke tracks please). 
  • Keyboards are welcome but not supplied, so you’ll have to bring your own as long as you can set up and tear down quickly.
  • Acoustic guitars with electronic pickups are preferred, but if your guitar doesn’t have one there will be one you can borrow, no worries.
  • Electric guitars are welcome but you’ll need to bring your own amp, (turned on lower volume please.) 
  • Limit is two songs but get a third song ready just in case. 

*PLEASE NOTE sign up is via email! Please email no later than 10 am on that Sunday, and let us know what kind of act you plan on presenting. Limited spots so don’t wait too long to sign up. 

Bring your friends and family. All music styles and proficiency levels are welcome!

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