Saturday, Dec. 16
Get festive with this Holiday inspired Lego Kit, Saturday Dec. 16th from 6-10pm.
- Doors at 6pm—you will be assigned a seat based off your ticket purchase (2 or 6 people) so please wait to be seated upon arrival
- Building will begin at 7pm
- During the event we will be playing National Lampoons Christmas Vacation on the TV’s along with Christmas Music.
- Dress up! Let’s get festive.
- Happy Hour runs 7-10pm
- Plus don’t miss out on the Candy Cane Cask and Candy Cane Shafts!
Ticket for up to 6 people includes: 2 Lego Kits and 6 glasses of beer—your choice!
Ticket for 2 people includes: 1 Lego Kit and 2 glasses of beer—your choice!